Ulla Schmidt Andersen
DK: Jeg har specialiseret sig i selvhelbredelse gennem holistisk behandling, energimedicin, personlig udvikling og spirituel vækst. Som Essential Emotions Coach hjælper jeg mennesker med at frisætte begrænsende overbevisninger, der skaber ubalancer psykisk eller fysisk. Jeg ser de æteriske olier som hjælpere, der stiller sig til rådighed for at man kan overkomme sine begrænsninger og udleve
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Tricia Henderson
I am a Jesus follower, wife, mother, foster parent, and lover of people. I love helping people in every area of their life, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. My passion and desire is to help people achieve healing and wholeness! Jesus came to give us life more abundantly. We were not created to live a life
Tia Hoff Askim
My passion is to help others return to a place of self-love. This is a journey I have travelled myself and I wish for everyone to find out how wonderful they really are. I believe that we all have some emotional patterns that are now ready to be released, without much effort, and I would
Terri Sue Stephens
Hello, my name is Terri Sue Stephens, I love helping people! I am a wife, Mother of 5, grandmother of 10 and a friend to many. I have worked with lots of people over the last 10 years with healing emotions with doTERRA Essential Oils. It started with my son when the Itovi scanner revealed
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Terpsy Christou
My name is Terpsy Christou. I have been blessed with 2 amazing children and 6 adorable grandchildren. I was extremely busy running my beauty therapy business since 2000 when the doTERRA essential oils came into my life in 2012. I experienced an immense improvement in my emotional, mental and physical health after using these precious
Teresa Lisum
Teresa Lisum has become a calming light of hope and positivity for us in these challenging times. This natural-born teacher sought out other ways to enhance her own personal learning as well as that of others, attaining accreditation in many therapeutic modalities, all enhanced by her extensive knowledge in using essential oils as an integral
Tekla Staley
Tekla followed her lifelong love of biochemistry and received her Bachelor of Science in Chemistry in 1987. She began her career in industrial health and safety, and for 36 years, worked with leaders and employees to create healthy and safe work environments. Through those years she educated and empowered employees to influence how health and