Getting Started Email
Future Essential Emotions Coach,
We’re so excited to embark on this journey together! Now that you’re registered, this email will walk you through the steps to getting started. Be sure to read it in its entirety so you don’t miss any critical details for you to jump in:
• This is a video based course and will be self-guided and self-paced. New videos will be released periodically and, when they are, you will be notified via email.
• Join the Essential Emotions Coaching Facebook group (note: this is different from the Essential Emotions Training group, as the Coaching group is exclusively for coaches). This will be your hub for connecting with other coaches on a higher level, double checking announcements, and collaborating to trading practice sessions.
• Watch your email for announcements, dates, and times of the monthly live Demonstration and Q&A calls with your Master Coaches. Mark your calendars and plan to attend live on Zoom to receive the most value! If you can’t be there, they will also be recorded and posted in the Facebook group. These calls are hosted at You will be emailed the password before the call.
We have gathered questions and answers and have put them in one FAQ doc which you can find under Downloads. If your questions aren’t answered in that file, please email support at
We are thrilled you have made the decision to certify as an Essential Emotions Coach! You’re going to have a transformational experience.
We will be with you soon!
All our Best,
Natalie, Amanda, Robin & Cherie