The Essential Emotions Coaching Connector program is and affiliate program for those passionate about emotional wellness, regulation, and liberation, wanting to ‘connect’ their therapists, coaches, counselors, massage therapists, foot zoners, other healing practitioners, and anyone passionate about helping others heal to the Essential Emotions Coaching Certification Course.
A course where they can understand the neuroscience behind essential oils and how to integrate a powerful process with essential oil protocols into their practices for faster, deeper emotional healing and breakthroughs.
Get paid by simply sharing this powerful training that allows others to coach people through the Breakthrough Process. A process that you’re probably already talking about!
To extend emotional freedom to everyone by training and empowering Essential Emotions Coaches around the world to facilitate emotional breakthroughs and healing.

How You’ll Get Paid
Connectors will receive $50 USD commission for every registrant they referred (via their Connector link) that enters into the Essential Emotions Coaching Course.

Who Are We?
Natalie Goddard, Robin Jones, Cherie Burton, and Amanda Porter are aromatherapy experts and seasoned coaches with over 70 years of combined experience.
Together, they have honed a transformative neuro-aromatherapy PROVEN process that empowers people to overcome emotional obstacles, break through barriers of overwhelm, fear, worry, grief, and pain, and truly live free.

You're invited to partner with Essential Emotions Coaching!
guiding people through the breakthrough process.