Hello! I’m Susy, a native midwest girl, living just south of Kansas City, MO. Go Chiefs! I have 4 boys, 2 daughters-in-law, a 16 yr old daughter who is the only one still at home, and I’m waiting patiently for Grandma status. I am recently remarried to a great guy who indulges all my country living and gardening dreams, as well as all my pets! I love being outside, usually hiking or backpacking, and traveling the country in my recently self built over-landing camper van. I am a Registered Nurse, Functional Nutrition Counselor, and an Essential Emotions Coach. I am continuously amazed at the power of these oils not only physically, but for mental and emotional health as well. I love empowering people to take control of all aspects of their own health and healing, and teaching them how to use Essential Oils and Functional Nutrition to do just that.
Listing ID: 1818
Language(s): English