Hannah Cornell-Schroeder
I am Hannah! I am many things including a wife, a Mom to 5 amazing humans, Nana Hannah to 2 beautiful Granddaughters, an Energy Healer & Teacher, Soul Coach, Essential Emotions Coach, the Founder of Soothe Your Soul, and now the grateful co-creator of The Giving Tree Collective. Every Coach and Healing Professional has a
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Erica Dolan
Erica is passionate about supporting women in moving out of stress & releasing what isn’t serving them so they can be free to be who they are called to be & fulfill their God Given calling!
Elsa Farouz-Fouquet
Elsa is a natural born teacher, lifelong learner and nurturer who has always been concerned about the needs of all. Her humour and relatability are immediately apparent, making it easier to flow into a partnership with her. Elsa’s compassionate and intuitive demeanour, as well as well curated skills, allow her to delve into the deepest
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Elizabeth Mansfield
Elizabeth is based in the Surrey/Sussex area of the UK, where she currently offers her work as an Essential Emotions Coach & Natural Wellbeing Therapist. Her initial interest, and subsequent training, in natural therapies started many years ago during her own search for recovery from emotional and physical ill-health, and over the years Elizabeth has
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Dr. Kara Hanks
Kara is a doctor of Natural Health, Registered Nurse, Herbalist, Shamanic Practitioner, Spiritual Educator and DoTERRA Diamond Leader. Her own physical and emotional challenges led her on a path of self-discovery to reclaim her health and live from the soul. Since 2003 she has passionately educated, coached, and inspired hundreds of clients to find their