Melinda Black, PCC, MCNC
Melinda is passionate about helping people thrive by creating a safe space for her clients to acknowledge, honor and navigate the many challenges and obstacles that arise in life. Melinda holds a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) accreditation from the International Coaching Federation. She is also a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, a Master Certified Nutrition Coach (MCNC) and a level 2 Reiki therapist, with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. Melinda has 20 years of healthcare experience, first as a radiology technician in sports medicine and then as a licensed massage therapist. This path ultimately led her toward the specialty of how mindset affects the physical body and vice versa. The intersection of mind and body plays a significant role in motivation when dealing with chronic disease. Her skillset utilizes several holistic tools, including Traditional Chinese Medicine, essential oils, motivational interviewing and psychosomatic techniques to release stuck patterns and promote a growth mindset. She has a special connection to patients who experience chronic pain, chronic kidney disease and those preparing for and recovering from a kidney transplant.
Listing ID: 1736
Language(s): English