I have used, studied, trained, and practiced in energy methods for over 20 years. In addition to being an Essential Emotions Breakthrough Coach, I am a Reiki Master, an emotions coach, creation coach and certified birth doula. I began using essential oils with emotional work in 2015. Essential oils facilitate emotional processes with their significant physiological impact.
I love my clients and my work. Knowing I have a small part in connecting them with the goodness, light, and peace within them is rewarding and incredibly humbling. After a session clients often comment that they feel lighter, more clear, and are ready to engage in meaningful ways.
When I am not seeing clients, I enjoy my best life with my husband, who has been my favorite person for over 30 years, and our 4 incredible girls, 2 son in laws, and one “cutest kid ever” grandson. My family is the joy of my life, as well as my challenge. If there is joy there has to be sorrow. If there is challenge there can be learning. Family relationships have gifted me with the joys, sorrows, challenges, and learning I didn’t know I needed. Parenting has truly led me to many of the tools and resources I use with clients.
I love God, food, reading, learning, and doing anything in nature including photography, running, hiking, and boating. It is all 100 times better with family and friends.
I have never met an ‘ordinary’ person, we are all GREATNESS! Get in touch, I look forward to getting to know you. -Jennie
Listing ID: 1558
Language(s): English